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Pressure in Fluids and Atmospheric Pressure ICSE Class 9 Selina | Notes Numerical Solutions

icse class 9 pressure solutions chap 4 solutions selina

 icse class 9 pressure solutions chap 4

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1. A hammer exerts a force of 1.5 N on each of the two nails A and B. The area of cross section of tip of nail A is 2 mm2 while that of nail B is 6 mm2. Calculate pressure on each nail in pascal. Ans. On A : 7.5 x 105 pascal, On B : 2.5 x 105 pascal. 

2. A block of iron of mass 7.5 kg and of dimensions 12 cm x 8 cm x 10 cm is kept on a table top on its base of side 12 cm x 8 cm. Calculate : (a) thrust and (b) pressure exerted on the table top. Take 1 kgf = 10 N. Ans. (a) 75 N (13) 7812.5 Pa 

3. A vessel contains water up to a height of 1.5 m. Taking the density of water 103 kg 110, "acceleration due to gravity 9.8 m s-2 and area of base of vessel 100 cm2, calculate : (a) the pressure and (b) the thrust, at the base of vessel. Ans. (a) 1.47 x 104 N m2 (b) 147 N 

4. The area of base of a cylindrical vessel is 300 cm2. Water (density = 1000 kg m-3) is poured into it up to a depth of 6 cm. Calculate : (a) the pressure and (b) the thrust of water on the base. (g = 10 m s2). Ans. (a) 600 Pa, (b) 18 N 

5. (a) Calculate the height of a water column which will exert on its base the same pressure as the 70 cm column of mercury. Density of mercury is 13.6 g cm-3. (b) Will the height of the water column in part (a) change if the cross section of the water column is made wider ? Ans. (a) 9.52 m (b) No 

A gas 'X' is collected over water at 17° C and 750 mm pressure. If the volume of the gas collected is 50cc, calculate the volume of the dry gas at STP [ at 17°C the vapour pressure of water is 14mm]

 A gas 'X' is collected over water at 17° C and 750 mm pressure. If the volume of the gas collected is 50cc, calculate the volume of the dry gas at STP [ at 17°C the vapour pressure of water is 14mm]

A block of mass 35 kg is resting on a table. The table is so rough that it offers a self adjusting resistive force 10% of the weight of the block for its sliding motion along the table. A 20 kg wt load is attached to the block and is passed over a pulley to hang freely on the left side. On the right side there is a 2 kg wt pan attached to the block and hung freely. Weights of 1 kg wt each, can be added to the pan. Minimum how many and maximum how many such weights can be added into the pan so that the block does not slide along the table?

 A block of mass 35 kg is resting on a table. The table is so rough that it offers a self adjusting resistive force 10% of the weight of the block for its sliding motion along the table. A 20 kg wt load is attached to the block and is passed over a pulley to hang freely on the left side. On the right side there is a 2 kg wt pan attached to the block and hung freely. Weights of 1 kg wt each, can be added to the pan. Minimum how many and maximum how many such weights can be added into the pan so that the block does not slide along the table?

Glycaemic Index Indian Common Food Chart | Weight loss | Diabetes Type 2

 Glycaemic Index Indian Common Food Chart | Weight loss | Diabetes Type 2

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The glycaemic index (GI) is a way of ranking carbohydrate-containing foods based on how slowly or quickly they are digested and increase blood glucose levels over a period of time – usually 2 hours. The GI uses glucose or white bread as a reference food – it has a GI score of 100.

This is for educational purposes only and doesn't constitute any medical advise. Please consult your doctor.  This list has been prepared from using online resources and is part of a college project. 

Medical Disclaimer - 
This tool does not provide medical advice It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not for medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Viewer / reader should consult their own doctor or a qualified healthcare 
professional for specific health concerns and questions. 

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glycemic index chart for diabetes type 2
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