Example 2.4 X-rays of wavelength 10.0 pm are scattered from a target.
(a) Find the wavelength of the x-rays scattered through 45°. (b) Find the maximum wavelength present in the scattered x-rays.
(C) Find the maximum kinetic energy of the recoil electrons.
33. At what scattering angle will incident 100-keV x-rays leave a target with an energy of 90 keV?
31. An x-ray photon of initial frequency 3.0 x 10^19 Hz collides with an electron and is scattered throu:h 90°.
Find its new fre• uenc .
29. A beam of x-rays is scattered by a target.
At 45° from the beam direction the scattered x-rays have a wavelength of 2.2 pm.
What is the wavelength of the x-rays in the direct beam?
Modern Physics (7 of 26) Compton Scattering
Physics - Modern Physics (8 of 26) Compton Scattering
Physics - Modern Physics (9 of 26) Compton Scattering
Compton Scattering (Radiography Physics)