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a) Gaoler
b) Antonio
c) Salarino
d) Gratiano
2. What is the meaning of' 'gratis'?
a) gratitude
b) free of interest
c) with great interest
d) generosity
3. 'Thou call'dst me dog before thou hadst a cause’. Who called whom a
a) Gratiano called Shylock
b) Shylock called Antonio
c) Antonio called Shylock
d) Shylock called Gratiano
4. The meaning of 'impenetrable cur'
a) hard- hearted dog
b) hard- hearted enemy
c) hard- hearted devil
d) kind - hearted dog
5. Who calls Gaoler naughty?
a) Salarino
b) The Duke
c) Antonio
d) Shylock
6. Who are the strangers referred to in act3 scene 3?
a) foreigners
b) servants
c) Venetian citizens
d) Bassanio and Antonio
7. Where does Act 3 scene 3 take place?
a) a street in Venice
b) a court of justice
c) Belmont
d) A room in Shylock's house
8. Who cannot deny the course of law?
a) Antonio
b) The Duke
c) Shylock
d) Bassanio
9. Their souls do bear the equal yoke of Love" about whom it is said
a) Gratiano and Nerissa
b) Portia and Bassanio
c) Portia and Nerissa
d) Antonio and Bassanio
10. What does Portia share about her habit of doing good?
a) I love to do good
b) I never did repent for doing good
c) I try to be generous always
d) I long to do good
11. What does Portia entrust to Lorenzo's care?
a) The husbandry and manage of her house
b) The supervision of the entire household activities
c) The control of her servants
d) The careful handling of all her monetary transactions.
12. Who speaks about God like amity in Act 3 scene 4?
a) Portia
b) Lorenzo
c) Nerissa
d) Gratiano
13. What urges Portia to entrust the management of her house to
Lorenzo's care?
a) Her urgent need
b) Her love and some necessity
c) Her inability to handle everything alone
d) Her depressed mood due to the departure of Bassanio.
14. After Bassanio has left for Venice to save Antonio, where does
Portia claim she is going?
a) To Venice to save Antonio
b) To a Monastery to pray
c) To the notary to see the details of the bond.
d) To get the Lawyer's attire
15. What is the name of Portia's cousin who is a doctor of the law?
a) Bellario
b) Brahme
c) Bradon
d) Balthazar
16. What is Portia's response to Nerissa's question "Shall they see us"?
a) We will stay hidden
b) Yes, but we will be dressed like men
c) Yes, and we will try to fool them
d) No, but they will hear our voice
17. Where does Portia's cousin live?
a) Padua
b) Rome
c) Paris
d) Venice
18. "Madam, with all my heart I shall obey you in all fair commands.”
Who speaks these words?
a) Balthazar
b) A servant of Portia
c) Lorenzo
d) Launcelot
19.What is meant by “god-like amity”?
a) God-like figure
b) Spiritual friendship
c) Spiritual awakening
d) Wisdom
20.“How dear a lover of my lord your husband” – who is referred as “a lover”
in this comment made by Lorenzo?
a) Bassanio
b) Antonio
c) Jessica
d) Portia
21.Who is “the bossom lover” of Bassanio?
a) Portia
b) Gratiano
c) Antonio
d) Launcelot
22.“The semblance of my soul” – who is it for Portia?
a) Nerissa
b) Bassanio
c) Dr. Bellario
d) Antonio
23.The state of hellish cruelty is created by whom?
a) Bassanio
b) Old Gobbo
c) Shylock
d) The Duke
24.Who does consciously stop praising the self and says “no more of it”?
a) Gratiano
b) Shylock
c) Salerio
d) Portia
25.“I wish your ladyship all heart’s content.” – who to whom?
a) Nerissa to Porta
b) Jessica to Portia
c) Portia to Jessica
d) Bassanio to Portia
26.Who is asked by Portia to travel with an imagined speed?
a) Balthazar
b) Bellario
c) Bassanio
d) Salerio
27.What are the things which Balthazar is charged to bring from Padua?
a) Sandals and stick
b) Notes and garments
c) Sandals and garments
d) Three thousand ducats
28.Where does the coach wait for Portia and Nerissa?
a) At the park-gate
b) At the common ferry
c) At the transect
d)At the house front
29.How does Lorenzo describe Portia?
a) As a selfish person
b) Having a true and noble conceit
c) Having a gentle soul
d) As an opportunist
30.“I have within my mind a thousand raw tricks of these bragging jacks.
What does the phrase “bragging Jacks” in the above extract mean?
a) Wandering Jacks
b) Boastful fellows
c) Questioning jacks
d) Idle jack
31. How will Portia spend her days in the monastery?
a) Partying
b) Disguising
c) Gardening
d) Prayer and meditation
32.4. How will the people acknowledge Lorenzo and Jessica?
a) Master and mistress
b) Guests
c) Uncle and aunt
d) guardians
33.5. How will Portia and Nerissa dress up?
a) As young men
b) As dancers
c) As priests
d) As clowns
34.What occupation does Portia's cousin hold?
a) Judge
b) doctor
c) lawyer
d) jailer
35.7. Where is Balthazar supposed to meet Portia and with what?
a) Traject- notes and garments
b) The church- flowers
c) Street- Money
d) Port- documents
36.8. Who will be attending Portia in monastery
a) Launcelot
b) Jessica
c) Nerissa
d) Lorenzo
37. “But come, I’ll tell thee all my whole device
When I am in my coach”
What is in Portia’s mind as she leaves her home for Venice?
a) To accompany Bassanio
b) To defend Antonio
c) To go to monastery
d) To meet Dr. Bellario
38. For what reason Lorenzo is to be blamed?
(a) For the elopement of Jessica
(b)For the conversion of Jessica
(C) For the management of Portia's house
(d) For eating porks
39. What was the belief of Christians in Shakespeare’s days ?
(a) No salvation for the souls of Christians
(b) No salvation for the souls of Jews’ daughters
(c)No Salvation for the souls of Jews and non-Christians.
(d) No Salvation for Jessica
40. How does Jessica hope to escape damnation?
(a) through her father
(b)through her husband
(c) through her dead mother
(d) through the punishment
41. Why does Jessica suggest that Bassanio should lead an upright life ?
(a)because he got a woman with unparalleled qualitiesas his
(b) because he has more enjoyment
(c) because of Shylock’s money
(d) because of friend's company
42. According to Jessica, if God decided to give prizes to women who
would win ?
(b) the other women
(C) Jessica
(d) Nerissa
43. What does Launcelot misunderstand in the context of serving
dinner ?
(a) get dinner cooked
(b)prepare themselves for dinner
(C) dinner is served
(d) dinner is not ready
44. How does Launcelot behave in this scene?
(a) arrogant
(b) adamant
(c)refined jester
(d) joker
45. Why does Lorenzo call Launcelot a big fool?
a) He says always foolishness
b) He misuses some words without knowing their real
c) He is a joker
d) He doesn’t know anything
46. To whom Portia made the in charge of the house?
a) Launcelot and Laurenzo
b) Laurenzo and Jessica
c) Jessica and Launcelot
d) Launcelot
47. What is Launcelot’s attitude towards Jessica?
a) Suspicious
b) Sarcastic
c) Envy
d) sympathetic
48. What skill of Launcelot is displayed here in this scene?
a) Verbal skill
b) Stamina
c) Cooking skill
d) Mathematical skill
1.What rumour do Salarino and Solanio discuss and then seek to have
confirmed by Shylock?
a) Jessica running away b) Antonio’s lost ship
c) Bassanio’s courtship of Portia d) Jessica stealing a ring
2) Tubal reports Jessica has stolen a ring of Shylock's. What does she trade
the ring for?
a) monkey b) fine clothes c) Portia’s ring d) Thousand of ducats
3) What cheers up Shylock after hearing of his daughter's theft?
a) Bassanio’s financial ruin (b) News of Jessica’s marriage
c)Tubel tells a joke d) Antonio’s financial ruin
4) In Act III, scene II, Portia compares Bassanio to which figure?
a) Hercules b) Thor c) Athena d) Mercury
5) What piece of bad news interrupts the celebrations at Belmont?
a) The outbreak of war b) Shylock’s arrival
c) Gratiano and Nerrisa’s engagement d) Antonio’s bankruptcy
6) What animal does Shylock remember Antonio comparing him to?
a) a hind b) a wolf c) a dog d) a ship
7) Lorenzo and Portia discuss helping Antonio. Why does Portia agree to
a) She hates shylock b) Antonio is kind
c) Antonio is Bassanio’s friend d) For the challenge
8) Who does Portia send to Padua to secure clothing and documents for
herself and Nerissa?
a) Portia’s cousin Dr Bellario b) Portia’s servant Balthazar
c) Portia’s servant , Nerissa d) Lorenzo
9) In Act III, Scene V, what does Lorenzo chastise Launcelot for?
a) Impregnating a Moorish servant b) Joking about bacon prices
c) Judging Shylock d) Flirting with Jessica
10) Who does Lorenzo favourably compare himself to when speaking to
a) Portia b) Launcelot c) Antonio d) Shylock
11) Who is the Merchant of Venice?
a) Bassanio b) Antonio c) Shylock d) Gratiano
12) Who needs money to suit Portia?
a) Bassanio b) Antonio c) Shylock d) Gratiano
13) Who marries Nerissa?
a) Bassanio b) Lorenzo c) Gratiano d) Solanio
14) Who marries Shylock's daughter, Jessica?
a) Gratianio b) Lorenzo c) Bassanio d) Antonio
15) What religion is Shylock?
a) Muslim b) Jewish c) Catholic d) Anglician
16) If Antonio cannot pay the money back in three months he must give
Shylock a pound of _________.
Merchant of Venice Act 3, Scene 2
Why does Portia ask Bassanio to wait before taking the casket test?
a)Wants to spend time
b)So that she can teach him to choose the right casket
c)Its a condition put forth to all suitors
d)Wanted to play music
What kind of music should be played if Bassanio chooses the wrong casket?
a) Swan-like end
b) Subjects bowing before a newly crowned monarch
c) Dulcet sounds during the break of day
19) .
What does Portia compare Bassanio to while going to take the casket test?
a) king of Troy
b) Apollo
c) Poseidon
d) Alcides
What are false hearts compared to?
a) Stairs of sand
b) Cowards
d) Alcides
What does the expression ‘snaky golden locks’ imply comparison to?
What is Portia hair in the portrait compared to?
a) Cobwebs
b )Blonde hair
c) Medusa
d) Indian beauty
What does Bassanio feel like after winning Portia?
a) Like a Jason
b )Like Hercules
c) Like a contender who has won the prize
How many times richer did Portia wish to become for Bassanio?
a) Trebled twenty times
b )A thousand times
c) Ten thousand times
d) Ten times
How confused does Bassanio feel when Portia gives him the ring?
a) Crowd cheering for their beloved prince after oration
b) On top of the world
c) To take the ring or not
Who is the Venetian friend, referred to in the scene?
a) Lorenzo
b ) Jessica
c )Gratiano
d) Salerio
What happens to Bassanio on reading the letter?
a) Colour of his cheeks fade
b) Faints
c) confused
What does Bassanio compare the letter to?
a) A bond
b) Body of his friend, Antonio
c) A piece of paper
Who all have persuaded Shylock to deface the bond?
a) Antonio, Bassanio and Portia
b )Duke, noblemen and Antonio
c) Duke, Bassanio and 10 merchants
d) Duke, 20 merchants and noblemen
What does Portia ask Bassanio to do before he goes to Venice to save
a) Go with her to church and get married
b) Go with her to church and pray
c) meet the lawyer
d)Take advice from her cousin
Along with money, what does Portia offer Bassanio to save Antonio?
a) A precious ring
b) A bag of jewels
c) Gold
Shylock says, "I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes?" What theme is explored in
his speech?
A )People are tolerant of other religions and belief systems.
B )Jews are superior to Christians.
c)The treatment of the religions is hypocritical.
d)Revenge is completely unacceptable.
33) 4. After Bassanio leaves to save Antonio, where does Portia claim she is
a) To Venice to save Antonio
b) To a convent to pray
c) To the notary to read the details of the loan
d) To Padua to get clothes from her cousin
34) Act 3, Scene 5 starts out with a discussion between Lancelot and Jessica.
What does Lancelot accuse her of?
a) Raising the price of pork
b) Only wanting Lorenzo's money
c) Being wasteful with money
d) Being insincere in her love for Lorenzo
35) Why is Shylock so upset when Jessica runs away?
a)Because his daughter ran away
b)Jessica sold his wife's ring to buy a monkey
c)Jessica stole money from him
d) All of the above
36) What is the name of the place where Venetians do their trading?
What "torture device" do Bassanio and Portia joke about when discussing
their relationship?
a)The rack
b)The crusader
c)The bond
d)The bear
38) What Greek Mythology character is Bassanio referring to when he says
that gold is not all there is in life?
What does Antonio request of Bassanio in his letter?
a)to see Bassanio be married
b)to be visited by Bassanio
c)to see Shylock suffer
d) to get his money back
What emotion best describes Antonio's feelings when he realises that
Shylock isn't going to back down?
What two words does Shylock repeat five times in Act 3, Scene 3 when he is
talking to the Antonio and the jailer?
a) my bond
b) my ducats
c) your flesh
d) dear Antonio
Who does Portia ask to take care of her household while she is away?
43) What is the name of Portia's cousin, the doctor?
What name does Portia take when she is in disguise?
What does Shylock say his reason is for wanting the pound of flesh over
3,000 ducats?
a)Because he feels like it
b)Because he is going to sell it
c)Because it is Jewish Law
d)Because of a Bible story
ICSE CLASS 10 MCQs | TRANSPIRATION | Chapter 5 | Biology Revision Test | Question Bank
ICSE CLASS 10 MCQs | TRANSPIRATION | Chapter 5 | Biology Revision Test | Question Bank
Fill in the blanks:
1. Cobalt chloride is an indicator of ________.
2.________ is a device that measures the rate of water intake by the plant.
3. More transpiration occurs under the surface of a ________ leaf.
4. Transpiration occurs more during ______.
5. Transpiration _______with increase in humidity.
6. Example of plant which shows sunken stomata is ________.
7. ________helps in the ascent of sap.
8. Special pore bearing structures which allow guttation to happen is called ________.
9. Guttation is common in _______plant.
10. Loss of water through cut stem is called_______.
True or False
1.Cobalt chloride paper is an indicator of carbon (T/F)
2.Oil is pored on the surface to prevent loss of water through evaporation (T/F)
3.More transpiration occurs during night (T/F)
4.Rate of transpiration increases with increase in atmospheric pressure (T/F)
5.Transpiration is an excretory process (T/F)
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ICSE CLASS 10 MCQs | ABSORPTION BY ROOTS | Chapter 4 | Biology Revision Test | Question Bank
ICSE CLASS 10 MCQs | ABSORPTION BY ROOTS | Chapter 4 | Biology Revision Test | Question Bank
1. ________is the branch of Biology which deals with life functions of the plant.
2. Cell wall is ______permeable, cell membrane is _______permeable, cellphone paper is _______permeable and rubber sheet is ______permeable.
3. ______are the extensions of the outer or epidermal cells of the roots.
4. ________is the phenomenon by which living and dead plant cells absorb water by surface attraction.
5. ______is the movement of water molecules from higher concentration to the region of lower concentration through a _______membrane.
6. Endosmosis tends to _______the cell.
7. The condition in which cell enlarges or even burst________
8. Condition when cell cannot accommodate any more water is called__________
9. Pressure of the cell contents on the cell wall is known as________
10. Condition when the cell is shrunken ________
11. Loss of water through cut stem is called ________
12. Loss of excess water in form of tiny drop along the margins of leaves is called ________
13. Water and salt travel up with help of ________
14. Food substances travel up and down with the help of ________
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Q3. The MA of a pulley is 5 and its efficiency is 80%. It is used to lift a load of 200 kgf to a height of 20m.
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