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Showing posts with label computerscience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computerscience. Show all posts

Computer Science - Good YouTube Videos
Is a Computer Science Degree Worth It?

My Whole Computer Science Degree in 12 Minutes

My Computer Science Degree in 20 minutes

The Math Needed for Computer Science

Computer Science vs Software Engineering - Which One Is A Better Major?

Vlog: What to expect in a Computer Science course

0:59​ Preface / About Myself
2:27​ Qn1 - What does a computer science student do?
4:05​ Qn2 - Is there a lot of math in computer science?
6:13​ Qn3 - Do I need a programming / computing background?
7:40​ Qn4 - What can I do to cope better if I don't have any background?
9:01​ Qn5 - I dislike / fear / am bad at programming. Would this be a problem?
10:33​ Qn6 - Why are topics like graphics and media part of Computer Science?
11:18​ Qn7 - Why must I implement algorithm X when it already exists out there?
12:19​ Qn8 - How do I do well in Computer Science?
15:47​ Conclusion

Why I switched from MEDICINE to COMPUTER SCIENCE | TIPS for Switching Careers!

WHY I REJECTED NTU & NUS FOR SUTD (and why i might have regretted it)

#ComputerScience​ by Dr Colin Tan