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de broglie numerical solutions _ Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chapter 15

de broglie numerical solutions _ Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chapter 15


13. Calculate the wavelength associated with
an electron, its momentum and speed 

(a) when it is accelerated through a potential of 54 V,

 (b) when it is moving with kinetic energy of 150 eV.

 14. The de Broglie wavelengths associated E with an electron and a proton are same. What will be the ratio of
(i) their momenta 
(ii) their kinetic energies?

15. Two particles have the same de Broglie wavelength and one is moving four times as fast as the other. If the slower particle is an a-particle, what are the possibilities for the other particle?

[Ans: proton or neutron] 

16. What is the speed of a proton having de Broglie wavelength of 0.08 Ã…? [Anss 49.57 x 103 m s'] 

17. In nuclear reactors, neutrons travel with energies of 5 x 10^-21 J. Find their speed and wavelength.

Ans: 2.45 x 103 m s', 1.62 Ã…] 

18. Find the ratio of the de Broglie wavelengths of an electron and a proton when both are moving with the (a) same speed, (b) same energy and (c) same momentum? State which of the two will have the longer wavelength in each case? 

[Ans: (a) 1836, (b) electron; 42.85, electron; (c) 1, equal] F





 Example 2.4 X-rays of wavelength 10.0 pm are scattered from a target.
 (a) Find the wavelength of the x-rays scattered through 45°. (b) Find the maximum wavelength present in the scattered x-rays.
 (C) Find the maximum kinetic energy of the recoil electrons.
33. At what scattering angle will incident 100-keV x-rays leave a target with an energy of 90 keV?

31. An x-ray photon of initial frequency 3.0 x 10^19 Hz collides with an electron and is scattered throu:h 90°. 
Find its new fre• uenc .

29. A beam of x-rays is scattered by a target.
 At 45° from the beam direction the scattered x-rays have a wavelength of 2.2 pm. 
What is the wavelength of the x-rays in the direct beam?
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