ICSE CLASS 10 MCQs | TRANSPIRATION | Chapter 5 | Biology Revision Test | Question Bank
Fill in the blanks:
1. Cobalt chloride is an indicator of ________.
2.________ is a device that measures the rate of water intake by the plant.
3. More transpiration occurs under the surface of a ________ leaf.
4. Transpiration occurs more during ______.
5. Transpiration _______with increase in humidity.
6. Example of plant which shows sunken stomata is ________.
7. ________helps in the ascent of sap.
8. Special pore bearing structures which allow guttation to happen is called ________.
9. Guttation is common in _______plant.
10. Loss of water through cut stem is called_______.
True or False
1.Cobalt chloride paper is an indicator of carbon (T/F)
2.Oil is pored on the surface to prevent loss of water through evaporation (T/F)
3.More transpiration occurs during night (T/F)
4.Rate of transpiration increases with increase in atmospheric pressure (T/F)
5.Transpiration is an excretory process (T/F)
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