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emissivity tables - ultraviolet catastrophe good links

emissivity tables - ultraviolet catastrophe good links

Why are hot things colored? (incandescence)
Physics Explained

Lighting Affects Color

With the exception of bare, polished metals, the appearance of a surface to the eye is not a good guide to emissivities near room temperature. Thus white paint absorbs very little visible light. However, at an infrared wavelength of 10x10−6 metres, paint absorbs light very well, and has a high emissivity. Similarly, pure water absorbs very little visible light, but water is nonetheless a strong infrared absorber and has a correspondingly high emissivity. 

 The surface of a perfect black body (with an emissivity of 1) emits thermal radiation at the rate of approximately 448 watts per square metre at room temperature (25 °C, 298.15 K); all real objects have emissivities less than 1.0, and emit radiation at correspondingly lower rates.[



Computer Science - Good YouTube Videos
Is a Computer Science Degree Worth It?

My Whole Computer Science Degree in 12 Minutes

My Computer Science Degree in 20 minutes

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Vlog: What to expect in a Computer Science course

0:59​ Preface / About Myself
2:27​ Qn1 - What does a computer science student do?
4:05​ Qn2 - Is there a lot of math in computer science?
6:13​ Qn3 - Do I need a programming / computing background?
7:40​ Qn4 - What can I do to cope better if I don't have any background?
9:01​ Qn5 - I dislike / fear / am bad at programming. Would this be a problem?
10:33​ Qn6 - Why are topics like graphics and media part of Computer Science?
11:18​ Qn7 - Why must I implement algorithm X when it already exists out there?
12:19​ Qn8 - How do I do well in Computer Science?
15:47​ Conclusion

Why I switched from MEDICINE to COMPUTER SCIENCE | TIPS for Switching Careers!

WHY I REJECTED NTU & NUS FOR SUTD (and why i might have regretted it)

#ComputerScience​ by Dr Colin Tan