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A circular disc of mass 10 kg and radius 0.2m is set into rotation about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane by applying torque 10 Nm. 
 Calculate angular velocity of the disc that it will attain at the end of 6 s from the rest. (Ans.: 300 rad/s) 
 A solid sphere of diameter 25 cm and mass 25kg rotates about an axis through its centre. Calculate its moment of inertia, if its angular velocity changes from 2 rad/s to 12 rad/s in 5 second. Also calculate the torque applied. (Ans.: I = 0.1562 kgm2 = 0.3124 Nm) 
A torque of 400 Nm acting on a body of mass 40 kg produces an angular acceleration of 20 rad/s2. Calculate the moment of inertia and radius of gyration of the body. (Ans.: 20 kgm2, 0.707 m 
 If the radius of solid sphere is doubled by keeping its mass constant, compare the moment of inertia about any diameter. (Ans.: 1:4) (8) 
A flywheel in the form of disc is rotating about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane looses 100J of energy, when slowing down from 60 r.p.m. to 30 r.p.m. Find its moment of inertia about the same axis and change in its angular momentum. (Ans.: 6.753k gm2, A L = 21./1 I— ISL2 ) 
 Four point masses 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg and 4 kg are located at the corners A, B, C and D respectively of a square ABCD of side 1 m. Find moment of inertia and radius of gyration of the system about AB as the axis of rotation. 







A pendulum consisting of a massless string of length 20 cm and a tiny bob of mass 100 g is set up as a conical pendulum. Its bob now performs 75 rpm. Calculate kinetic energy and increase in the gravitational potential energy of the bob.

 A pendulum consisting of a massless string of length 20 cm and a tiny bob of mass 100 g is set up as a conical pendulum. Its bob now performs 75 rpm. Calculate kinetic energy and increase in the gravitational potential energy of the bob.


A motorcyclist (as a particle) is undergoing vertical circles inside a sphere of death. The speed of the motorcycle varies between 6 m/s and 10 m/s. Calculate diameter of the sphere of death. How much minimum values are possible for these two speeds?

 A motorcyclist (as a particle) is undergoing vertical circles inside a sphere of death. The speed of the motorcycle varies between 6 m/s and 10 m/s. Calculate diameter of the sphere of death. How much minimum values are possible for these two speeds? 



Motion in a Vertical Circle | Velocity , Tension , Energy at the Lowest , Top and Middle points

 Motion in a Vertical Circle | Velocity , Tension , Energy at the Lowest , Top and Middle points







Maharashtra Board Class 12 Textbook Solutions | CIRCULARMOTION

 Somehow, an ant is stuck to the rim of a bicycle wheel of diameter 1 m. While the bicycle is on a central stand, the wheel is set into rotation and it attains the frequency of 2 rev/s in 10 seconds, with uniform angular acceleration. Calculate (i) Number of revolutions completed by the ant in these 10 seconds. (ii) Time taken by it for first complete revolution and the last complete revolution. [Ans:10 rev., ti.„, = Vi. 6 s, tki, = 0.5132 s ] 



Coefficient of static friction between a coin and a gramophone disc is 0.5. Radius of the disc is 8 cm. Initially the centre of the coin is 'V cm away from the centre of the disc. At what minimum frequency will it start slipping from there? By what factor will the answer change if the coin is almost at the rim? (use g = m/s2) 1 2 [Ans: 2.5 rev/s, n2 = -1.1,] 


Part of a racing track is to be designed for a curvature of 72 m. We are not recommending the vehicles to drive faster than 216 kmph. With what angle should the road be tilted? By what height will its outer edge be, with respect to the inner edge if the track is 10 m wide? [Ans: 0 =tan1(5) = 78.69°, h = 9.8 m1 


The road in the question 14 above is constructed as per the requirements. The coefficient of static friction between the tyres of a vehicle on this road is 0.8, will there be any lower speed limit? By how much can the upper speed limit exceed in this case? [Ans: .L4 88 kmph , no upper limit as the road is banked for 0 > 45"

Difference between Solid, Liquid and Gas In Tabular Form | States of Matter

 Difference between Solid, Liquid and Gas In Tabular Form | States of Matter 


 A “state of matter” describes the behaviour of atoms and molecules in a material.
Common states of matter are:

Solids – Are relatively rigid, have definite volume and shape.They vibrate in place but don’t move around.
Liquids – definite volume but ready to change form by flowing.
Gases – no definite volume or shape. The atoms and molecules move freely.


 difference between solid, liquid and gas for class 9
5 difference between solid, liquid and gas 
difference between solid, liquid and gas pdf 
difference between solid, liquid and gas in tabular form 
difference between solid liquid and gas for class 8 
difference between solid, liquid and gas for class 7 
difference between solid liquid and gas on the basis of rigidity